Saint James Episcopal Church 

The Mission of Saint James

Saint James exists to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in worship and ministry, seeking to include all of God's children, 

both those in our community of faith and those beyond our doors, while offering the love of Christ. 

In 2011, St. James Episcopal Church of Bradley Beach celebrated its Centennial.  

Parishioners and well-wishers can now donate and/or pay their pledges online by clicking on the VANCO tab above. 


For more than 100 years, Saint James has been a home to parishioners that gather and work together to bring Christ to our community and to the world.


We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your personal needs or those of your family. Call us to speak by phone, send us an email or make an appointment to come into the office.

Father James T. Yarsiah, Priest-In-Charge

Email: saintjamesbb@gmail.com          Office Phone: 732-775-5414          

605 4th Avenue

Bradley Beach, NJ 07720


9:00AM Holy Eucharist Rite II, with Choir

*Zoom Remote Worship is Available During the 9 AM Service*

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 883 7738 3368

Passcode: 629708

All are welcome!

Pantry News and Important Information

Bishop Sally's response to the newspaper stories on the Bradley Food Pantry Closing Its Doors at 605 Fourth Ave on May 17th: "I am disappointed with the way the food pantry has used media attention, half-truths, and even outright misrepresentations to apply pressure on the church to make accommodations in their favor at the expense of the congregation and community. It has been a long and difficult process and I know that both the neighborhood and the congregation have been harmed by this.” 


JULY 2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Happy Fourth and Happy Summer 

Whatever plans you and your family may have for the celebration of July 4th, my family and I extend a Happy Independence Day to our parishioners, far and near! 

Now that the summer is here, a couple of things are important to consider at St. James:

We wish you and your families a Happy Fourth and an exciting summer. May God bless and prosper the work of our hands.

Canon James T. Yarsiah